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Presentation Videos

Course Videos

The Film Farmers love making course videos! We have extensive experience in creating course videos that are tailored to meet the needs of our clients and ensure maximum engagement with viewers. Whether it's a course about speaking with confidence or how to start your own business, we've worked with individuals and organisations across a range of sectors to produce films that educate and inspire learners of all ages.

If you don't know where to begin, please don't worry. We can advise you on how to structure the films, their run times, where to film and pretty much anything you need!

Course Films
that captivate

Our team has the expertise to create course videos that are engaging, informative and visually compelling. We take time to understand the clients’ goals, working closely with them throughout the production process to ensure that the final product meets and exceeds their expectations.

Caroline Goyder: Course Video Production
One of our recent collaborations was with renowned author and voice coach, Caroline Goyder. We worked with Caroline to develop a series of course videos that focused on public speaking and communication skills. Through a combination of expert guidance, practical exercises and engaging storytelling, the videos help learners to develop the confidence and skills needed to become a truly effective communicator.
We worked closely with Caroline to understand her teaching style and crafted a visual narrative that reflected her personality.

For Caroline's dialogue to camera, we used multiple static, carefully framed angles. These helped to emphasise her calm and confident nature. It's easy for filmmakers to forget that it's the storytelling that is most important and ultimately that sometimes less is more.


We also included animations and motion graphics. These assets help to highlight key concepts and make the content more engaging for the audience.

Caroline Goyder: Course Films

In addition, we created a series of promotional videos, to help advertise each of the courses. For these films, we used slick slow motion visuals to heighten the premium nature of the courses. We used lots of natural lighting and and created create an inviting atmosphere so that viewers instantly feel at home with Caroline as their coach.

Caroline Goyder: Find Your Voice

Caroline Goyder: Find Your Voice

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Caroline Goyder: Course FIlms London

Course Video
Production Company

Effective course videos require a combination of engaging content, clear instructions and compelling visuals. Whether you are a small start-up or a large multinational corporation, we can help you to develop course videos that are tailored to meet your objectives and drive meaningful results.

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